
Tech Wizard in Progress

Week 3 - What I have found simple and easy at the start has developed into challenging and exciting possibilities. Given enough time, and with the proper instruction, I am able to grasp and understand each new fascinating technology. I admit, I am not the tech wizard I so wish I could be, but I am learning. That's what this whole process is about; learning. I visited and searched Grokker. Have successfully selected my RSS feeds to the areas of interest I myself humbly choose: A couple news worthy, one entertainment, one local, and of course OCLS. I find that Learn 2.0 is working with my learning preference overall, providing one has sufficient time to make mistakes. Hey, isn't life in general all about making mistakes and then hopefully learning from them and trying to avoid the ones you have already made? Let's all take the time to learn, make mistakes, and grow like the beautiful snowflakes we are.

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Rock on! You get it - very cool!