
Old Asian Proverb

On this earth we find ourselves faced with many uneasy questions. Some deal with self, others family, and some, on the great wonderful mysteries of life. Let us not forget that many things we can change and others we simply cannot. This brings to mind an old asian proverb of how to cope with such circumstance.

"Never think of yourself as an ugly person, rather,
Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!"


First Publishing

Wow, the power of technology at the tip of our fingers. I am very excited about all of technology and its possibilities. Hopefully they will do nothing but improve our lives. Blogging is a step toward understanding this online environment first hand. Let's all be patient, never be afraid to ask questions, and be totally against censorship in all its forms. We must encourage freedom of thought, ability to act and react without retribution, and the overall freedom to just be ourselves.