
If It Floats Your Boat

The more I get into this Web 2.0 world and the subsequent trends associated with the world wide web, the more I realize that there literally is something for everyone. If you can imagine it, it probably already exists online. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because the more stuff that is available to us as human beings, the better informed we are at making decisions in regards to the many aspects of our lives. Sad, because many, many, people out there are making lots of money on ideas that are very simple and common sense. I certainly should be among them. Going through each individual website and technology, I find that not everything appeals to me. Some I even find senseless. However, sites like "What Should I Read Next," "Wikimapia," "Book Mooch," and "ELF" do appeal to my senses. And thus, my adage "If it floats your boat use it, and if your boat takes on water, jump;" relates to each and every one of us.

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